◼︎Peace Memorial Day
嫌いな人と仲良くする必要なんてない。 意見を尊重さえできれば、それだけで幸せな世の中になるはず。 命を奪ってまでする争いなんて必要ない。
A war takes away many people's lives. Many people are sent off to war. These are innocent people. They fight risking their lives. It is a very sad thing. Children have dreams. However, a war takes them away from them. Children play an important role in the future. A war makes them unhappy. I hope that there will be no more war in the future.
Art direction by me
Photographer Kazuma Yamano
Repost BLAST
日本は唯一の被爆国。そして8月6日は平和記念日です🕊 原爆で亡くなられた人々に祈りを………💐